YTTEK will Introduce a High-Speed and Customizable Satellite Modem Y.FORCE S at Satellite 2024
NEWSOffering robust error correction algorithms to ensure data integrity and reliability.

Venturing into Uncharted Wireless Territory with YTTEK at 2024 Taiwan Telecommunications Annual Symposium

YTTEK’s Next-Gen Satellite Communication Technology is Paving the Way for the Future of Car Connectivity
NEWSLeveraging low-earth orbit satellites to ensure seamless communication transmission.

YTTEK’s Glimpse into tomorrow: Versatile Satellite Solutions Spotlighted at TASTI 2023
NEWSYTTEK's present flagship, Y.LOAD, a versatile communication payload solution.

YTTEK Showcases A Ground Station Communication Solution at TADTE 2023
NEWSYTTEK showcase communication equipment specifically designed for satellites in 2023 TADTE -「Taiwan Space Pavilion」

EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023
NEWSThe European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) and the 6G Summit are returning after the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year's conference holds significant importance under the motto "6G for a Green and Digital…