

本屆展會熱度十足,五個關鍵主題(5G Acceleration, Digital Everything, OpenNet, Reality+ and Fintech) 將今年的主題VELOCITY發揮到極致。運用數字語法、AR/VR視覺、AGV構建的全球連線,實現智能包括系統和終端全品項創新解決方案,透過這個舞台跟全球合作夥伴一起坦討未來的技術趨勢,共同尋找合作的商機。同時讓全球的消費者感受到科技帶來的便捷,一起對未來生活進行美好的暢想。

作為行業風向標,MWC既是新技術首秀場,也是新產品爭相亮相的舞台。YTTEK與Synergy展現兩間品牌的密切合作,帶來EndtoEnd的解決方案,mmWave Small Cell登陸全球市場。YTTEK提供mmWave FEM與mmWave Antenna Array整合Synergy OpenRan軟體,專注打造5G mmWave的無線世界,突破mmWave高損耗低覆蓋的限制。YTTEK的毫米波天線beam forming控制可支援高達5km的傳輸距離。突破開發,降低限制條件。



5G mmWave small cells.

YTTEK works with Synergy to complete a 5G mmWave small cell solution in 2023 MWC Barcelona. An end-to-end RF2 ISC solution, Enola  ideal for Network providers targeting 5G mmWave coverage and capacity for users’ experiences. This calibrating and verifying product offer high performance and reliability while meeting challenging power, cost, and size requirements for indoor and outdoor deployments.

Nearly two-thirds of the global population will have internet access, and not only one device with a single person. An interesting technological advancement that can make people’s lives much more convenient. Everything online, the number of devices connected to IP networks is incredible, more than three times the global population.

Compared with previous generation, an expansion of mmWave applications into small cell base station and into CPE that require an ecosystem that combines the hardware and software necessary for complete solutions.  An unique solution developed by YTTEK based on Anokiwave’s mmWave beamformer ICs and integrated up/down converter ICs. It supports both azimuth and elevation dual-polarization 2-data stream MIMO transmission, with over 800MHz bandwidth for each polarization simultaneously.

YTTEK proposes to address the challenges. The solution provides excellent performance for network operators and municipalities to expand their business to extend the coverage, deliver lower latency, and serve more users to joint in the 5G era.

円通科技:積蓄力量 綻放新生




會說話的品牌識別,使用YTTEK的首字母「Y」作為主要基調,從原有「連接,前往下一個世代」的形象再進化。市場準備好了, 生活將邁入令人期待的通訊世界。新logo帶入5G生活中必不可少的全新技術BeamForming,乾淨利落的圓潤,蘊含円通科技的價值理念與核心技術。當BeamForming的訊號越強烈,顏色也越加鮮豔。因此以藍色為基底的穩重,添加桃粉色的靈活。如同5G訊號般,積蓄能量,向上而生。


科技讓生活更簡單,無線生活開啟無限精彩。我們不斷地探索前沿邊界,專注於產品性能及技術研發,緊貼確實需求,更新和迭代產品。經過多年的努力,YTTEK系統生態逐漸形成,配套解決方案也逐步多元延伸。科幻世界再也不是夢想,YTTEK站在新的發展起點,以tomorrow’s wireless, today (未來無線,今日實現)的企業精神,重新思考未來產品的可塑性。

円通科技將於2023年MWC Barcelona首次公開亮相品牌全新概念。YTTEK企業理念「tomorrow’s wireless, today」恰與今年活動主題「Velocity:  Unleashing Tomorrow’s Technology – Today」互相輝映。經過2年的沉澱與研發,YTTEK與Synergy合作5G毫米波小基站精彩亮相。 帶來了End-to-End FR2 Open RAN解決方案。此5G毫米波小型基站自帶校準及驗證提高產品的高效能及準確性。同時降低建置成本,滿足5G毫米波具有挑戰性的室內/室外佈署毫米波連接資源,將成為5G mmWave覆蓋範圍和提升用戶體驗的理想選擇。技術讓美好生活實踐化,一起展望下一個數位世代。

Countries in the Asia Pacific region have been at the forefront of many mobile technologies. The first start in Japan of launching 3G network, and the first commercial 5G began in South Korea. The difference in the historic establishment of fixed telecommunications networks between countries has had some effect on the uptake of mobile. No matter how the difference, all countries have seen a massive growth in the number of subscribers and the capabilities of mobile networks. Today the mobile industry is in the early stages of the 5G era. Widespread 5G adoption will take time, with 1.8 billion 5G connections by 2025, representing a state of approximately 20%. As 2G and 3G still continue to exist alongside 4G in today, those will have a key role coexisting with 5G into the 2030s. It is important to recognize that although the steps may be the same for each country, the detailed activities under each may vary. The key frequency bands to priorities for 5G ate the 3500 MHz range, 700 MHz and mmWave. The density of use, ease of moving incumbents to alternative frequency bands or alternative technologies; and impact on service and users. Care must be taken to consider the socio-economic benefits that arise from both old and new uses of spectrum. When considering the level of investment necessary for new 5G networks, it will be important that spectrum fees ate not set at high levels that will prevent operators from investing, which will impact on network roll-out and quality and drive up the cost of services. The approach adopted and associated license obligations will need to take account of policy objectives, available spectrum, and market specifics .


While some countries may be more advanced than others, it is cleat that all are working towards ensuring that 5G networks are deployed and operational. Spectrum clearance is genertally underway, although come countries are concentration only on one band (3500 MHz band) ar a priority which may lead to poorly simensioned and costly networks. Across Asia Pacific, some countries have been global leaders in the rollout of 5G. the first commercial 5G network in the world was launched in South Korea on 3rd April 2019. To build a 5G network with the best possible performance, operators need access to significant amount of harmonizes spectrum. This must be new spectrum separate from what is currently used for existing GSM, UMTS and LTE networks.

Spectrum status of 5G deployment in APAC Linking the variation in 5G depliment and difference in spectrum awards, countries have taken a very diverse approuch to aearding spectrum for 5G. a few countries have become the first in the world to aeard spectrum in the mmWave bands, with both 26 GHz and 28 GHz spectrum available in selested locationa. The 700 MH whoch was developed by the APT and adopted as a harmonised band in 2010 has neeed awarded on some countries. This band remains unacailable in many major APAC carkets sue to delays in the switch-off onf analogue TV and scross-border cooedination issues, there hava even been awards at 450 MHz wich can be applied to 5G networks. However, there remain a number od countries where spectrum for 5G has not beed awarded. A key point here is the need for regulators to consider spectrum needs not only for the short-term but also the long-term. In particular, the 4.8 GHz and 6 GHz bands may be key mid-band spectrum for 5G expansion. The GSMA estimated that by 2030, total mid-band spectrum demand for 5G services in cities will be, on average, 2 GHz 0 this is likely not achievable in the 3500 MHz band along. Regulators across APAC mist consider the use of these other bands and support their allocation to IMT at WRC-23, to ensure first that there can be high-quality broadband connections available to al citizens in their countries, and also that network expansion will not be hampered by an overly myopic spectrum release strategy. Australia is one of the leading markets in the Asia Pacific region in terms of the 5G rollout. it was enabled by the timely release of suitable 5G spectrum bands, particularly in the 3500 MHz band. As of Q2 2021 5G population coverage in Australia had reached 76.6% (GSMA Intelligence).


The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has completed spectrum awards in the 3600 MHz (3575-3700 MHz) band in December 2018 and in the 26 GHz band in April 2021.


Spectrum in the 3400 to 2575 MHz range, 3400 MHz, in Australia hd previouls need assigned throuhgt different mechanisms which include administrative and class lidensing, these arranfements authorise a vatirty of services, including witeless broasband, fixed satellite, radiolocation and amateur services. The ACMA consider that the combination of measures would best maximise the overall public benefit derived from use od the band, while minimising the impect on incumbent services. In august 2021 the ACMA published a consultation on the technical options for the use of th 3400 MHz for witeless broadband in urband areas. The timeframe for the release of the refarmed 3400 MHz is expected to be quring Q2 2022 to Q2 2023. In Australia the 3700 to 4200 MHz band support a mic of incumbent uses including apparatus licensed point-to-point fixed service links(PTP), coordinated fixed satellite service(FSS) receive earth stations nad various low power class licensed devices. In February 2022, the Australian Government affirmed the ACMA’s decisiond on the allocation of the 3400-3575 MHz and 3700-4000 MHz for new and innocative techobologies including 5G.

The status in APAC







